About this website

About this website

This site may be rough around the edges with a few inconsistencies or errors. The website is for documentation purposes, and over time those issues will be resolved. For now, I am just trying to make sure precise, useful information is written down on a semi-consistent basis. There will likely be very few people reading any of this (articles, pictures, and all)  anyways unless there is something significant involving me somwhere.
Haha, let’s face it. It’s a personal student site. How much would a person really want to read such a thing?

This website is intentionally not flashy. I have used a free WordPress theme called Frontier: https://wordpress.org/themes/frontier/ along with a few customizations to create my website

I do this because it allows me to focus on making a website that serves content quickly and efficiently without messing around with the website itself all day. Too often websites will have themes that contain large amounts of empty space with no information or change in color. I’m trying to avoid it all together and create a website that has easy to read content.

The Author

Bijan Moradi